Monday, August 20, 2012

Piercings (My story and experience)


If you want to have piercings do some research first Or, you should get pierced by professionals and ask them the aftercare for you to be sure that you are free from infections.


As a kid, I hated wearing earrings because of by habit(I usually play with my ears, scratchn and pulln it).(I had my ears pierced when I was still an infant and it was done inside a children's clinic.)

The feeling of there is something hanging on your ears and scratches the back of it feels kinda itchy. I tend to pull it then bathe the whole section with alcohol. That irritates the hell outta me. 

Elementary days were the time I really got into piercings and tattoo's. I pierced my 2ND ear piercing (well it makes two on one side and two on the other.. awww fuu.. you know what I mean) that shit happened when I was in grade three and it was followed by another when I was....................................... I cant freaking remember.

Then, on second year high I pierced the right portion of my lip (in a non hygienic process) (Alcohol, sewing thread and a sewing pin) and followed by another (completing my snakebites) (by another non hygienic process same as the other).

My Labret followed, well I pierced it again myself (same process as the others).

I did researches and studied the process and for the past 5 years of piercing my lips.. I was doing terribly wrong and stupid. Sigh..... Now I know why whenever I remove or reinsert the stainless jewelry I was using, It always bleed. STUPID JESSE!

Monroe Piercing was next and after few weeks but I removed it. (I have no picture of it) The Monroe piercing looks great but not on me. Its seems like it didn't suit my face and it scratches my gums whenever I eat.

I also had my tongue pierced and it only lasted for two days. I love how it looks but I CANT FUCKEEENNNN EAT. I love to eat so IT HAPPENED.

My ear

 My Snakebites

My Labret 

The three of them present :3

Well here is the list of piercings I want to have
  • Corset Piercing (soon oh soon)
  • Dermal Piercing
  • Wrist Piercing
  • Septum Piercing
  • Bridge
  • Cheek  Piercing
  • Hip  Piercing
  • Third eye
  • (A LOT)

I'm planning to have:
  • Industrial Piercing
  • Tongue Piercing
  • Eyebrow  Piercing

Few things you
(if you have piercings)
  1. Clean it with anti-bacterial soap (odorless soaps)
  2. Wash it with warm water and Sea-salt (not table whatever salt)
  3. Clean the surroundings with clean cotton to remove forming debris? Oh you know what I mean..
  4. Leave it alone to heal.

(if you have piercings)
  1. Clean it with alcohol.
  2. Touch it.
  3. Play with it.
  4. Remove the jewelry unless its fully healed.

more info's of piercing aftercare?
click here:

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