Monday, September 24, 2012

Spiders and their Art


Many people fear them and also many people love them.

Spiders. Well yes, they are freaky most of the time but try to look closely.. Observe every detail and before you realize BEAUTY, UNIQUENESS, SILENCE, FEAR, ELEGANCE suddenly hypnotizes you to watch even more.

I, myself fear spiders. Chills run through my spine and nails my feet onto the floor. Movements are shattered and hair starts to raise up whenever I see one. (I fear any insect/animal that exceeds 6 legs.) They freak me out when they walk.. ERRR

Last, last night I was alone outside, it was almost 8 o'clock, the lights were dim and it was fucking boring. There I was, stupidly waiting for something to happen and VIOLA! A spider walked in front of me. Yup, I followed it with my eyes and closely turned my head towards where it stopped.

It was so small in size, almost 2 millimeters. Gold-ish brown in color and its butt(abdomen) is not that huge. Then, suddenly it gave me a show that I have never got curious of watching. It suddenly weaved its web!

The small spider walked around, shooting webs where ever she wants to. Then she went round and round, I closely look at what she is doing and yes I was very interested on what she is doing.

When she is done I was so amazed of the process that a small thing can do. Imagine a human being making a web, DARN it will be exhausting! but spiders can do it within minutes!

The shape, the detail is amazing! I cant explain it perfectly but it was worth watching. I kinda felt disappointed to myself that I wasted so many time to fear them.

I wonder what happened to that spider. Hmm I hope she is okay :l

well thats all thank you :D

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