Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Death, Darkness and Decay

By: Zdzislaw Beksinski

"Death, darkness and decay", the words that always pop into my mind whenever I see Mr. Zdzislaw Beksinski's works of art.

He was polish painter, photographer and sculptor. His works were morbid, detailed like hell and dreamlike.

" I wish to paint in such a manner as if I were photographing dreams "

for more info click here:

I feel like I am controlled or even warped into his imagination every time I stare and study his creations. I can feel the gravity,heaviness and emotion. Well, for me that is what a true artist's goal whenever he or she draws, paints or whatever. NOT JUST TO IMPRESS, gain ATTENTION and COMPLIMENTS. Hearing critism from other people is a thing to love when you are an aspiring artist.

Oh and one more thing..
Based on my perspective. Its not about how much the artwork costs, how many detail it has or how much your tools cost. An artwork is useless when nobody appreciates it. If you're an artist and you cant even appreciate your work the outcome will be CRAPPY. You wont even improve.

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